Acetylene Highly Flamable Sign

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Product Name: Acetylene Highly Flammable Sign Label Reads: "Danger Acetylene Highly Flammable and Unstable Gas" Label Design: International Flammable Symbol, GHS06 Exploding Symbol, International No Smoking Symbol, International No Open Flames Symbol

Product Name: Acetylene Highly Flammable Sign

Label Reads: "Danger Acetylene Highly Flammable and Unstable Gas"

Label Design: International Flammable Symbol, GHS06 Exploding Symbol, International No Smoking Symbol, International No Open Flames Symbol

Product Description: Commercial acetylene is generally considered a nontoxic gas and has even been used as an anesthetic. However, like most gases, acetylene can pose a risk of simple asphyxiation if present in high concentrations, depriving the lungs of oxygen. It's worth noting that the lower flammable limit of acetylene in air is reached before the risk of asphyxiation, making the danger of explosion more imminent. Acetylene, when stored in cylinders, is primarily used for oxy-acetylene welding, cutting, and heat treating processes. The label design includes internationally recognized symbols to convey the hazards associated with acetylene, including its flammability and potential for explosion, as well as the prohibition of smoking and open flames in the area.

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