Priority for Oncoming Traffic

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This sign, at the entrance of road, indicates the priority should be given to oncoming traffic. At narrow section of road where passing is difficult or impossible, traffic is regulated by preferable movement. Such regulation is carried out by giving priority to traffic moving in one direction and not by installing traffic light signals. This sign is set up facing the traffic on the side which does not have priority. The traffic from the side where the sign is erected should move only when there is no oncoming traffic. Do Not Violate Road Safety Signs & Indicators.

Notice Now : Standard Safety Sign Provider Across India.

For custom orders or products not listed on our website, please call us directly. We may have what you need in stock but not yet on the site due to limited resources. We will update from backend the product will get available for You. We aim to expand to 50K SKUs in coming 5 years. Currently, we offer 500 safety signs for various settings, with daily new additions. Partner with us to enhance safety solutions. Thank you for your support in keeping everyone safe!

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